ABA with Learners of Diverse Backgrounds and Abilities
Our research in the area of socially-significant behavioral interventions focuses on (1) skill acquisition, such as evaluating generative instruction to promote behavioral variability and (2) strategies for addressing and mitigating disruptive behaviors in natural environments. This work is conducted in educational, clinical and community settings. [Image by Freepik]
Staff and Caregiver Support
We are interested in evaluating methods of improving staff and caregiver implementation of behavioral interventions across settings, including home and school. We are also interested in evaluating and supporting improvements in organizational climate (in collaboration with Dr. Nicole Gravina). When working with caregivers, our research team works in partnership with community partners and other stakeholders to develop interventions that will meet the needs of the community. When working with schools or behavior analytic service providers, we work closely with stakeholders to ensure our coaching and strategies are conducted in a culturally responsive manner. [Image by storyset on Freepik]
Cultural Responsiveness in Behavioral Science
This area of inquiry seeks to expand the knowledge base of cultural responsiveness within behavior analysis in the areas of service delivery, training of students, mentorship, and supervision. This work is conducted in part through a collaboration with Dr. Lauren Beaulieu, with whom Dr. Corina Jimenez-Gomez developed the Cultural Competence for Behavior Analysts course. We also collaborate with other scholars in behavior analysis invested in this work, including a group of Latino/a scholars. [Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik]
Translational Research on Reinforcement and Decision Making
We are particularly interested in (1) examining the discriminative and strengthening properties of stimuli, both in laboratory settings and with clinically-relevant participants and (2) using choice tasks to evaluate decision making related to ethics and inequities, and the impact of cultural variables. We also collaborate with Dr. Chris Podlesnik on research evaluating relapse of challenging behavior, reinforcement processes, and sensitivity to social consequences in preclinical and clinical studies. [Image by storyset on Freepik]